Setting Up A Successful Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Are you searching for a waste tyre pyrolysis plant? Which factors make a pyrolysis plant successful? Why certain such businesses fail within the first few years? What can you do to set up a solid foundation for long term success of your business? In this article, we will explore all these questions and help you make the right choice when it comes to buying a pyrolysis plant.

Get Pyrolysis Oil from Waste Tyre

Get Pyrolysis Oil from Waste Tyre

There are continuous type plants, batch type plants, stationary plants, mobile plants, small plants, huge capacity plants and a lot more. In short, there are a ton of choices and every manufacturer out there wants you to consider their product. Here is a list of the factors that matter:

Type Of Plant

These plants can be broadly categorized into batch and continuous automatic pyrolysis plants. As the name suggests, the main difference between these configurations is the manner in which the raw material is processed. A batch type plant works in batches which makes it slower as compare to a continuous type plant. It is a better choice when you need to change the processing controls frequently due to different materials in different batches. A continuous type plant is a better choice when you are processing the same material in large quantities and don’t have to make any changes in processing controls.

Mobile or Stationary

A mobile plant is the best choice when the amount of material that needs to be processed is limited and is scattered in various places. The economics of transporting the raw materials to a central location doesn’t make sense. A portable plant can be easily driven to the location. Its only limitation is its limited processing capacity. On the other hand, a stationary plant is a better choice when it makes financial sense to transport the waste material for processing to a central location. Stationary pyrolysis furnaces have typically much more processing capacity.

BLJ-16 Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

BLJ-16 Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Pre-processing Capability

Waste tyres need to be cut down to 2 inch chunks for better efficiency. A shredding machine is used for cutting down tyres. If you have a shredding facility nearby, it will probably be cheaper for you to use their services. If no such facility is available nearby, you will have to invest in your own shredding machine. You can contact Beston for more equipment:

Automation Level

There are several configurations in terms of automation. There are fully automated lines and semi-automated lines with various levels of automation. There is a substantial pricing difference between these configurations. It’s better to choose a fully automated line as it ensures better efficiency and fewer errors which should lead to higher margins and lower operational costs.


Nobody wants to pay more than they have to but you also need to understand that you often get what you pay for. In the case of a pyrolysis plant, a cheaper plant often means substandard components that are likely to fail within a few years. Cheaper plants also typically mean frequent shutdowns leading to loss of production and lower margins. This is why it’s better to focus on quality of the plant of Beston China rather than its initial price only.

Overall, there are several types of pyrolysis plants and not every pyrolysis business is successful. Keep your focus on setting up a solid foundation for long term success of your business with investment in a high-quality plant that is fully automated and ensures excellent efficiency.